
Editing Commands

  • Alt + f: Forward (right) one word
  • Alt + b: Back (left) one word
  • Ctrl + u: Cut/delete the Line before the cursor to the clipboard
  • Ctrl + k: Cut the Line after the cursor to the clipboard
  • Ctrl + w: Cut the Word before the cursor to the clipboard
  • Alt + d: Delete the Word after the cursor
  • Alt + Del: Delete the Word before the cursor.
  • Ctrl + y: Paste the last thing that was cut

History Commands

  • Ctrl + r: searches the command history as you type
  • Ctrl + p: Previous command in the search result of Ctrl + r
  • Ctrl + n: Next command in the search result of Ct rl + r
  • Alt + . or !$: Reuse the last argument of previous command
  • !*: All arguments of previous command
  • !!: Repeat previous command
  • !blah: Run last/most recent command that starts with blah
  • !blah:p: Print last command starting with blah
  • ^blah: Delete blah from previous command
  • ^blah^foo: Replace blah with foo in previous command

    To retain history across sessions, you need to add the PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a ~/.bash_history' to your .bash_profile then close and reopen all bash sessions

    echo "PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a ~/.bash_history'" >> ~/.bash_profile

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